Internals of the Gobba programming language.

Interactive Command Line Interface

If no filename is passed to gobba executable, the interactive shell interface is launched. The REPL shell is built upon a simple library called ocamline, which itself relies on a library called ocaml-linenoise that provides readline navigation and completion functionality without additional system dependencies.

Syntax and Parser

Lexing is achieved with ocamllex, the default tool for generating scanners in OCaml. The parser is realized with the Menhir parser generator library, and is documented using Obelisk, which generates a clean text file containing the language grammar, available in Appendix [grammar].

Purity Inference

An important feature of the gobba language is the purity inference algorithm, which is performed statically on expressions before evaluation. It is an interpretation of expressions over the domain of purity, meant to prevent side effects by signal an error if they are contained inside the programs written in the language. Expressions are tagged by the algorithm with the Pure, Impure and Numerical labels. An Impure expression is an expression that contains calls to primitives that perform I/O operations, mutable variables and/or imperative style assignments. A Numerical expression is an expression where only numerical operations are performed; Pure expressions are those which do not fall into the previous two categories.

To achieve the execution of impure side effects, the programmer has two constructs available called purity blocks. By default, the evaluator is in an Uncertain context, which means that it will not allow side effects to be carried on by evaluation, but will allow evaluating purity blocks that change the currently allowed purity context. The impure statement takes an expression (the block) and evaluates it in a context where the allowed purity is Impure, so that side effects may be performed. The other construct available, the pure statement, takes an expression and enforces a Pure context, meaning that side effects and nested impure blocks will not be allowed inside of the expression.

AST Optimization

After purity inference is performed, and before evaluation, AST expressions are analyzed and optimized by an optimizer function that is recursively called over the tree that is representing the expression. The optimizer simplifies expressions which result is known and therefore does not need to be evaluated. For example, it is known that 5 + 3 equiv 8 and true && (true || (false && false)) equiv true. When a programmer writes a program, she or he may not want to do all the simple calculations before writing the program in which they appear in, we rely on machines to simplify those processes. Reducing constants before evaluation may seem unnecessary when writing a small program, but they do take away computation time, and if they appear inside of loops, it is a wise choice to simplify those constant expressions whose result is already known before it is calculated in all the loop iterations. It is also necessary in optimizing programs before compilation. The optimizer, by now, reduces operations between constants and if statements whose guard is always true (or false). To achieve minimization to an unreducible form, optimizer calls are repeated until it produces an output equal to its input; this way, we get a tree representing an expression that cannot be optimized again. This process is fairly easy:

let rec iterate_optimizer e =
  let oe = optimize e in
  if oe = e then e (* Bottoms out *)
  else iterate_optimizer oe

Boolean operations are reduced using laws from the propositional calculus, such as DeMorgan’s law, complement, absorption and other trivial ones.




gobba’s evaluator is heavily inspired by the Metacircular Evaluator defined in the highly acclaimed textbook Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.


The language primitives that are implemented in OCaml are organized in modules separated by functionality. Each primitive is a function that accepts a list of evaluated values and returns a single reduced value; therefore they have a type of evt list -> evt. OCaml primitives have to perform internal typechecking and unpacking of the arguments they receive from the gobba calls.

From the evaluator’s perspective, primitives are organized in a table such that when a symbol gets evaluated, it is looked up in the primitives table, if there is a match then the found primitive’s name is wrapped in an ApplyPrimitive expression nestedinside of a lazy lambda expression that permits partial application. When the evaluator finally encounters an ApplyPrimitive expression, the primitive OCaml function is extracted, applied to the arguments and the resulting value is returned by the current evaluator call. If a primitive is not found when looking up for a symbol, then a symbol lookup is performed in the current environment.

Some primitives, such as catamorphic procedures, are not native OCaml functions but small expressions written directly in gobba; those primitives are kept as lazy expressions into the same table as native OCaml primitives. The key difference between the two resides in the fact that those textual gobba primitives are not transformed into a function which body contains only an ApplyPrimitive call, but are instead parsed and analyzed at run time. The resulting additional startup time caused by parsing and analysis is proportional to the number of textual form primitives in the table and therefore quite irrelevant on non-embedded computer systems. The fold left and fold right catamorphic primitives are written directly in the gobba language and are hereby provided as examples.

This is the fold left procedure defined in the gobba standard library, which is tail recursive:

fun f z l ->
if typeof l = "list" then
  let aux = fun f z l ->
    if l = [] then z else
      aux f (f z (head l)) (tail l)
    in aux f z l
else if typeof l = "dict" then
    let aux = fun f z kl vl ->
        if kl = [] && vl = [] then z else
        aux f (f z (head vl)) (tail kl) (tail vl)
    in aux f z (getkeys l) (getvalues l)
else failwith "value is not iterable"

This is the fold right procedure defined in gobba standard library, which is not tail recursive:

fun f z l ->
if typeof l = "list" then
   let aux = fun f z l ->
      if l = [] then z else
      f (head l) (aux f z (tail l))
   in aux f z l
else if typeof l = "dict" then
   let aux = fun f z kl vl ->
      if kl = [] && vl = [] then z else
      f (head vl) (aux f z (tail kl) (tail vl))
   in aux f z (getkeys l) (getvalues l)
else failwith "value is not iterable"


Unit testing is extensively performed using the alcotest testing framework. Code coverage is provided by the bisect_ppx library which yields an HTML page containing the coverage percentage when unit tests are run by the dune build system. After each commit is pushed to the remote version control repository on Github, the package is built and tests are run thanks to the Travis Continuos Integration system.