
To install, you need to have opam (OCaml's package manager with a version greater than 2.0) and a recent OCaml distribution installed on your system.

gobba has 3 main development dependencies you have to install on your system:

  • cblas
  • openblas
  • lapacke

These packages may or may not be present in the package repositories of your operating system. If they are, please be sure to install the development versions of these packages.

You can then install gobba by running

opam install gobba

Manual installation

# clone the repository
git clone
# cd into it
cd gobba
# install dependencies
opam install dune menhir ANSITerminal cmdliner alcotest bisect_ppx ocamline
# compile
# test
make test
# run
make run
# rlwrap is suggested
rlwrap make run
# you can install gobba with
make install
# run again
rlwrap gobba


The executable name is gobba. If a file is specified as the first command line argument, then it will be run as a program. If you are running a program you may want to use the flag -p to print the results of the expressions that are evaluated. Otherwise, if a program is not specified a REPL session will be opened.

Keep in mind that gobba is purely functional and values are immutable by default!

Command Line Options

  • --help[=FMT] (default=auto): Show this help in format FMT. The value FMT must be one of auto, pager, groff or plain. With auto', the format is pageror plain' whenever the TERM env var is `dumb' or undefined.

  • --internals: To print or not the language's internal stack traces

  • -m MAXSTACKDEPTH, --maxstackdepth=MAXSTACKDEPTH (absent=10): The maximum level of nested expressions to print in a stack trace.

  • -p, --printexprs: If set, print the result of expressions when evaluating a program from file

  • -v VERBOSITY, --verbose=VERBOSITY (absent=0): If 1, Print AST to stderr after expressions are entered in the REPL. If 2, also print reduction steps

  • --version Show version information.